Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Winter Concert 2010 at P.S./I.S. 217 (Roosevelt Island School)
Students from grades Pre-K through 2 gave a touching performance at the Roosevelt Island School (P.S./I.S. 217) Winter Concert 2010 on December 9th.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
PS/IS 217 Winter Concert & Gift Basket Raffle Tickets
To PS/IS 217 Families!
~ You are invited to ~
PS/IS 217's Winter Concert
Thursday, December 9th at 5:30pm!
It will be a special evening with songs from our Kindergarten-2nd Grade Students
and musical instrument performances from the Upper Grade Band Students.
We also have 2 fantastic fundraisers during the concert!
* Raffle for multiple Gift Baskets * AND *Bake Sale *
As there are many things to update you about for the event, you will receive emails during the week regarding the specifics and needs for the Bake Sale and also an opportunity to volunteer for helping students line-up and get on and off the stage.
THIS email is only about the Raffle! We are in need of:
* 3 volunteers with children in grades K - 2.
* 3 volunteers with children in grades 3-5.
***Donations of $5 for Gift Baskets due by this Friday, Dec. 3rd
Volunteers are needed to help sell the RAFFLE TICKETS before and during the performances. We are splitting the age groups so that parents of older children will volunteer during the time that the younger one's are performing and then vice versa. This way everyone can see their child perform and not miss those precious moments!
Volunteers from the older grades will be at the Raffle Table from 5:15 - 5:45 PM, and will then be relieved by volunteers from the lower grades who will volunteer from 5:45 - 6:15pm. Both blocks of time are only a half-hour - it's a quick time frame to volunteer and help out with this great fundraiser and to help the school!
Please contact Kristi Towey at to let her know you can volunteer and what time slot you prefer, or for any questions regarding the Gift Baskets.
Also, please find attached the flyer that was sent home via backpack. We encourage each family to donate $5 that will be used towards the purchases for the Gift Baskets.
Donations are due by THIS Friday!
Thank you,
Kristi Towey
Fundraising Chair, PTA PS/IS 217
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Weekly Update From P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) PTA
Hawks Happenings
For Tues., November 16th - Fri., November 19th:
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
A big thank you to all of the families that participated in the PTA International Dinner! From families cooking and donating for the event, volunteers helping with the set-up; decorating; and clean-up - the evening was absolutely wonderful!
Thank you to those families that came to the event to support the school and the new Art Program (which all proceeds go towards). The entire event was a success thanks to the amazing families at our school!
Wed., Nov. 17th ~ Dare to Care Assembly!
Featuring performances by classes 201, 202 and 402
Time: 8:45am - 9:30am
Place: Auditorium (2nd floor)
All students in Grades Pre-K through 5th Grade will be attending this assembly.
*All parents are invited to attend*
Come help celebrate the amazing hallway behavior of students of 217! Also learn about new hallway behaviors to be implemented and find out about how students will earn more Beckman Bucks! Dare to Care Assemblies are to help educate and excite the students and 217 community about PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) at the school.
Thurs., Nov. 18th ~ General PTA Meeting!
All parents/guardians and teachers at PS/IS 217
are invited to attend our General PTA Meeting!
Time: 6pm
Place: School Library (2nd floor)
Please come to hear updates on School & PTA events. Any comments or concerns you have - please send an email to PTA President, Nikki Leopold at, or drop a note (signed or anonymous) in the PTA Comments Box located in the Main Lobby. All comments, questions or concerns are welcome and will let us know main topics you would like discussed at this and other meetings.
Thurs., Nov. 18th & Fri., Nov. 19th ~
Dare to Care Room Volunteers NEEDED!
All the students at 217 have shopped at the Dare To Care store with their Beckman Bucks, and this week they get to come for their 2nd time!
We are looking for volunteers to help at the store on Thursday and Friday when all classes come again. Please email Summer Lord if you have time either or both days to help the children as they come to shop for their treasures!
Parents/Guardians are welcome to come for ANY of the classes. If you are interested in helping with your own class as well - here is the schedule for both days:
9:15 - 9:35 - Feldman (201)
9:50 - 10:10 - Specker (401)
10:25 - 10:45 - Gambino (501)
11:00 - 11:20 - Saunders (345)
11:35 - 11:55 - Zucknovich (103)
12:10 - 12:30 - Mermel (K002)
12:45 - 1:00 - Kenny (301)
1:15 - 1:35 - Consiglio (K003)
8:40 - 9am - Afodorcei (K12)
9:15 - 9:35 - Kaplan (K001)
9:50 - 10:10 - Lindman (302)
10:25 - 10:45 - Rubenstein (402)
11:00 - 11:20 - Lewis (502)
11:35 - 11:55 - Bloom (101)
12:10 - 12:30 - Vilabrera (102)
12:45 - 1:00 - Sheridan (202)
Thursday and Friday, Nov., 25th & 26th - Thanksgiving Recess, NO SCHOOL
Monday, Nov. 29th - Student of the Month Assemblies
Tuesday, Nov. 30th - BOX TOPS for Education labels DUE! New Collection Sheets are out - we encourage all students to clip and bring in what they can!
Friday, Dec. 3rd - Parents Chit-Chat "Social" Hour, 8:30am
Come get to know other parents and talk together in a casual environment about PTA and School updates. Morning beverages provided, please bring breakfast item to share.
Thursday, Dec. 9th - Winter Concert! Performances from Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Music Classes and 3rd - 8th Grade Band Students.
......more to come!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Studio in a School Visual Arts Residency at P.S./I.S. 217 (Roosevelt Island School)
P.S./I.S. 217 (Roosevelt Island School) is excited to begin a new partnership with Studio in a School for a Visual Arts residency. All K-8 classes will receive 50-60 minutes of art instruction one day a week beginning the week of November 29th. This residency is being funded by Council Member Lappin and the PTA.
The purpose of the residency is to increase student foundational art skills, increase an appreciation and love for the arts and help to make connections to classroom experiences. Through the context of making art, our students will learn the discipline of problem solving. Being actively involved in the process of making art as a school community will give us a context for sharing ideas, appreciating our differences and respecting each other work.
The residency will end with an Art Exhibition in Spring 2011. More information to follow!
Monday - Tim Thyzel will work with 3th and 4th graders
Wednesday - Carolina Bermudez will work with Kindergarten and 2nd graders
Thursday - Robin Holder will work with 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th graders
Friday - Belinda Blum will work with Class K12, Class 345 and 1st graders
On Studio days students should dress appropriately for making art, in addition, students will need an over-sized T-shirt to serve as a smock. Please write student's name in the T-shirt for easy identification. We are arranging for our Learning Leader volunteers to assist in the art room. Parents will not be assisting in their child's class.
The purpose of the residency is to increase student foundational art skills, increase an appreciation and love for the arts and help to make connections to classroom experiences. Through the context of making art, our students will learn the discipline of problem solving. Being actively involved in the process of making art as a school community will give us a context for sharing ideas, appreciating our differences and respecting each other work.
The residency will end with an Art Exhibition in Spring 2011. More information to follow!
Monday - Tim Thyzel will work with 3th and 4th graders
Wednesday - Carolina Bermudez will work with Kindergarten and 2nd graders
Thursday - Robin Holder will work with 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th graders
Friday - Belinda Blum will work with Class K12, Class 345 and 1st graders
On Studio days students should dress appropriately for making art, in addition, students will need an over-sized T-shirt to serve as a smock. Please write student's name in the T-shirt for easy identification. We are arranging for our Learning Leader volunteers to assist in the art room. Parents will not be assisting in their child's class.
Dare To Care Assembly for Grades K-5 at the Roosevelt Island School
Please attend the next PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) assembly to support P.S./I.S. 217 student's hard work! You're invited to celebrate our amazing hallway behavior, learn about new hallway behaviors' and see our favorite teachers and friends perform! Join us on Wednesday, November 17th at 8:50 pm
Our students have done a great job improving their hallway behaviors! We are excited to introduce new behaviors and work to get more Beckman Bucks! All of our students have shopped at the Dare to Care store, now they are earning new Beckman Bucks to use the next time they go shopping!
Our students have done a great job improving their hallway behaviors! We are excited to introduce new behaviors and work to get more Beckman Bucks! All of our students have shopped at the Dare to Care store, now they are earning new Beckman Bucks to use the next time they go shopping!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
International Dinner at the Roosevelt Island School
3rd Annual PTA International Dinner TOMORROW (Wednesday, November 10th @7 pm) in Manhattan Park Club!
During the event on Wednesday, the children will be invited to walk together in costume around the room/in between tables as a "parade" and end up on the stage where they will have the option to perform a small number together. They don't need to perform this little song - but if they would like to it would be wonderful to have a group of children that will be learning the words and simple actions together.
In order to practice and get as many of the children together that will want to participate in the parade, please try to attend one of the two practices (if you can come to both, that would even be better!):
Tuesday - in the school Auditorium (2nd floor)
11:50 - 12:20pm
Wednesday - at MANHATTAN PARK CLUB! (where the dinner will be)
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Also PLEASE invite the families and children that you know will be attending the dinner to participate in the Costume Parade and performance as well. We'd love to have as many children participate as possible!
Message from Summer L. (1st VP, PTA):
I wanted to invite any of your children that will be attending the International Dinner on Wednesday night, to wear costumes from their native country for a special parade and short performance number, which will be the beginning point of our entertainment numbers for the evening. ANY of the children attending the school are invited to wear clothing representing their culture and country of origin for the event!During the event on Wednesday, the children will be invited to walk together in costume around the room/in between tables as a "parade" and end up on the stage where they will have the option to perform a small number together. They don't need to perform this little song - but if they would like to it would be wonderful to have a group of children that will be learning the words and simple actions together.
In order to practice and get as many of the children together that will want to participate in the parade, please try to attend one of the two practices (if you can come to both, that would even be better!):
Tuesday - in the school Auditorium (2nd floor)
11:50 - 12:20pm
Wednesday - at MANHATTAN PARK CLUB! (where the dinner will be)
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Also PLEASE invite the families and children that you know will be attending the dinner to participate in the Costume Parade and performance as well. We'd love to have as many children participate as possible!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Weekly Update From P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) PTA
Hawks Happenings
For the week of November 8th - November 12th:
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
Parents Stepping UP!
A BIG thank you to the following volunteer groups:
PTA Halloween Party - Thank you to all the volunteers for the many hours and hard work you put in for this spook-tacular event. Thank you to all the families that came to support the PTA and enjoy the night. It was a great success and fun for all!
Scholastic Book Fair - We had a fantastic Book Fair and thank the many volunteers that helped set-up, run the fair, and take down and clean up at the end of the week. Also, a big thank you to the many parents that came in to help with your children's classes while they visited the fair AND for all those that came and bought new books for your homes and your children's classrooms. We can't wait until our next Book Fair!
Parent Social Hour - Thank you to those parents/caregivers that came to chat and share a breakfast food with others this past Friday. Thank you to those that helped set-up and make the event a real treat to look forward to each month!
MONDAY (11/8):
- International Dinner volunteers - please remember to meet immediately following drop off in the library.
TUESDAY (11/9):
- Half-Day of School AND Parent/Teacher Conferences! - Sign up asap for a time to meet with your child's teacher(s) if you haven't already done so.
- Middle School Bake Sale - support our Middle School students earn money for upcoming Field Trips to Philadelphia and Hudson Valley! - Plan to stop before or after your Parent/Teacher Conferences in the school entry way to buy some yummy treats! - To offer donations or your time, email Ashanti Mandisa,
- Zaro's Thanksgiving Pie/Cake Sale - Pie anyone?! Remember to hurry and put your final orders in for the delicious pies & cakes from Zaro's at $13/each. Pie Order Forms are due by this Tuesday, November 9th. Orders can be submitted to you child's teacher or to the Lauraine Rademaker in the main office. Additional order forms are available in the the main office. Email
with any questions.
WEDNESDAY (11/10):
located at the Manhattan Park Theatre Club.
Tickets: $25/adult and $10/child (to be purchased at the door; no pre-sales on tickets)
For any questions on the event:
The event will feature foods and wines from around the world,
entertainment and music, a 50/50 money raffle
and crafts for the kids!!
A special thank you to those of you that have donated money, time and/or items to help make this event a great success!
For any questions on the event:
Contact Kristi Towey; Fundraising Chair
THURSDAY (11/11):
Veteran's Day! NO SCHOOL :)
FRIDAY (11/12):
School Leadership Team (SLT) Meeting ~ 7:30am in the Main Office.
Parents are invited to attend, although only members of the team may vote on agenda items. If interested in joining the SLT, contact PTA President, Nikki Leopold
If your child has a birthday during the month of November, they are invited for cake and a celebration with the Principal! Friday the 12th at 2:15pm in the School Cafeteria.
Parents are invited and encouraged to attend with your child! Please arrive at 2pm to help set-up for the fun, and be sure to bring your camera! :)
Questions: Contact Aiesha Eleusizov at
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------
Thursday, Nov. 18th: PTA General Meeting ~ 8pm
Nov. 25th - 26th: NO SCHOOL ~ Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday, Nov. 29th: Student of the Month Assemblies
Tuesday, Nov. 30th: BOX TOPS collections for Nov. are due!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
K003 Students Pajama Day Read-a-Thon at the Roosevelt Island School (P.S./I.S. 217)
Tuesday, October 25th was students' favorite - "Pajama Day" - at the Roosevelt Island School (P.S./I.S. 217). Children in Lower Grades enjoyed a reading activity in the school hallways.
Photo update from K003 Class Parent Sarah Hill! More photos from K003 Read-a-Thon here.
Photo update from K003 Class Parent Sarah Hill! More photos from K003 Read-a-Thon here.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Student Government Elections 2010 at the Roosevelt Island School (P.S./I.S. 217)
Middle school students will elect Student Government members for the school year of 2010/11 today, October 25th. 7th and 8th grade students competed for the positions of "school president", "school vice-president", and "secretary" during debates lead by Social Studies teacher Mr. Ulmann this morning. Alex, Autumn, Imane, Mohamed, Salman, Shahinda, Tamala, and Zulissa gave their speeches, trying to persuade their classmates to vote for them. All candidates stressed importance of the Middle school fundraising, and promised to work with the school administration and the PTA to bring in more sport events and field trips for the Middle school students. More photos here.
7th and 8th grade students are travelling to Philadelphia on Friday, November 12th. This week they will sell "Halloweengrams" - silly messages with attached candy bags, - in the school hallways. The Halloweengrams are only $1 each, so please, stop by on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and support Middle school students' fundraising efforts!
7th and 8th grade students are travelling to Philadelphia on Friday, November 12th. This week they will sell "Halloweengrams" - silly messages with attached candy bags, - in the school hallways. The Halloweengrams are only $1 each, so please, stop by on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and support Middle school students' fundraising efforts!
Weekly Update From P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) PTA
Hawks HappeningsFor the week of Monday, Oct. 18th - Friday, October 22nd:------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
Parents Stepping UP!
Special Recognition this week goes to 2 groups of volunteers - First, YOU as a Parent and partner for success in your child's education. Second, our Class Parents who have volunteered to work with their child's Classroom Teacher during this school year
1) YOU as part of the big picture of Parents Stepping UP!
THANK YOU to all of you that came out to the PTA General Meeting this past Thursday morning at the school. We had a wonderful turn out, and minutes from the PTA Meeting will be posted on the PTA's website in the near future. For anyone that did not know about the website, here it is for you to visit frequently! Another way we wish to give thanks, are for all the parents that are finding a way to give back to the school. The PTA asks that each parent/caregiver of a child at PS/IS 217 volunteers 1 hour each month during the school year. 1 simple hour that can bring such a great reward to students, staff and the school!
Volunteering can come through many different opportunities - there are opportunities right within our own child's classroom when approved through their teacher and usually coordinated with the Class Parent. AND there are many, many opportunities to volunteer with the PTA! You might also not physically be able to volunteer during school hours, however upcoming are many opportunities to provide service outside school hours, and also for those whose time is very strained, donations to the PTA General Fund to give to the programs at the school is always very appreciated.
Throughout the year the PTA has fundraisers and activities that we need YOU to be apart of! Please read through the following events this week, and hopefully you can find at least 1 hour (if you can volunteer more we'll take it!) that you'd like to be part of the great movement of service and volunteering that helps our school and students in great ways!
Thank YOU for stepping up as a VOLUNTEER at your child's school and being part of their school success!
2) Class Parents are an important part to our school, in that they are a wonderful way teachers can utilize extra help and support for their classroom when, and as, needed. After coordinating with the teacher on specific events, projects and activities - our Class Parents have an opportunity to reach out to the parents of the class and invite them in for those times that work for the teacher and class schedule. In order to contact you as parents, it is extremely important that the Class Parents have the email address or contact information for ALL parents in that class. Please encourage other parents in your child's class to give their names & email to your child's Class Parent so that everyone can receive important updates and information about opportunities to be part of the classroom experience with our children!
Thank you so much to our Class Parents. We really appreciate what you have and will do for our students and teachers this year!
Class/Teacher/Parent/ChildPre-K/AM ~ Ms. Haya - NEW OPENING!{The Class Parent moved overseas - please let me know that you can help Pre-K/AM!}Pre-K/PM ~ Ms. Haya - Ann Roth (Peyton)K001 ~ Ms. Kaplan - Loly Diaz (Nicole)K002 ~ Ms. Mermel - Kiran Purohit (Amrita)
K003 ~ Ms. Consiglio - Sarah Hill (Riley)101 ~ Ms. Bloom - Tami Granot (Shani), Co-Parent: Debbie Ward (Lillian)102 ~ Ms. Villabrera - Sumayya Andrabi (Hafsah)103 ~ Mrs. Zuchnovich - Summer Lord (Bryson)
201 ~ Ms. Feldman - Dawn Price (Gabrielle)202 ~ Mrs. Sheridan - Jinyan Han (Han), Co-Parent: Aiesha Eleusizov (Zamir)301 ~ Ms. Kenny - Michael Girard (Mira)302 ~ Ms. Lindman - Madina Canciello (Leila)401 ~ Ms. Rubenstein - Shirley Payne (Janiah)402 ~ Ms. Specker - Loly Diaz (Andrea)501 ~ Ms. Lewis ~ Kelly Goff (Faith)502 ~ Ms. Gambino - OPENING! We need a parent to work with this wonderful teacher and class! Please contact Summer Lord at if interested!
Middle School Parent Board: **NEW THIS YEAR!**Contact Ashanti Mandisa (daughter: Trinity) at if you are a parent of a student in Grades 6-8, and want to be part of the Parent Board that will be working on helping with fundraisers, events, and being a strong support group for the Middle School!
Weekly Update From P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) PTA
The students are invited to participate in SPIRIT WEEK at the school, where if the students choose to, they can dress up each day with these different themes:
MONDAY - Dress Up Day! {Dress like you are going to work}TUESDAY - Pajama Day! {Roll out of bed....doesn't that sound dreamy?!}WEDNESDAY - School SPIRIT DAY!Wear school colors of PURPLE and YELLOW!THURSDAY - CrAzY Hair Day!FRIDAY - Costume Day! (NO masks, weapons or covered faces!!!)
HALLOWEEN-GramsA fundraiser brought to us by the Middle School Student Government, which money raised will help the students for such things as Field Trips this year to Philadelphia (7th and 8th grade students will travel there Friday, November 12th!), Hudson Valley and other main historic sites.
Information and flyers on how to order a Halloween-Gram will be sent home asap through the Middle School. You can buy them in the school hallways Tuesday through Thursday this week!!! Please consider purchasing one or more Halloween-Grams to send to your favorite 'Ghoul or Goblin'....better known as our Girls and Guys at the school! :)
Friday will also feature:A show for Kindergartners - 2nd GradersA friendly competition for 3rd - 6th Graders in the school yardA dance for 7th - 8th Graders
MONDAY - Dress for Success Day
Student of the Month AssemblyStudents awarded the Student of the Month for October will be recognized in assemblies in the School Auditorium at the following times:3rd - 5th Grades: 9:00 - 9:35am6th - 8th Grades: 10:00 - 10:30am
Learning Leader Training:1st Day of training for Elementary School Volunteers!Time: 9-11am, School Library (2nd Floor)
Cherrydale FundraiserThis is the last day for orders to be turned in after the deadline was extended this past week! Questions: Contact Nikki Leopold at for any questions.
TUESDAY - Pajama Day
A fun reading event is planned for Tuesday morning for students in Kindergarten - 5th Grade! Be sure to ask your child about their Independent Reading activity that they will have with other students & classes!
Classes will work together to decorate their class hallways in School Colors to really celebrate the school and SPIRIT of the week!Be sure to look for these decorated spaces around the school:- Kindergarten Wing- 1st/2nd Grade Wing (2nd Floor)- 3rd Grade Wing (2nd Floor)- 4th & 5th Grade Corners (3rd Floor)
2nd Day of Elementary School Learning Leader Training:Time: 9-11am, School Library (2nd Floor)
THURSDAY - cRaZy Hair Day!
3rd and FINAL Day of Elementary School Learning Leader Training:Time: 9-11am, School Library (2nd Floor)
FRIDAY - Costume Day!
BOX TOPS for Education DUE!Any Box Tops that students have collected during the summer months and through the month of October are due! Students should turn in to their classroom teacher by Friday, in order for them to receive credit for the month of October towards:* 100 Box Tops for Individual Students to earn a FREE BOOK and* 500 Box Tops for Classes to earn a Build Your Own Ice Cream Party!
Remember! Check out to sign-up under our school's ID and track our progress. Also, you'll be able to receive coupons and special BOX TOP bonus opportunities and shop through BOX TOP Market Place to earn even MORE cash for our school. Questions - please contact Summer Lord: SPIRIT WEEK & HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS!
School Activities - Time for each event will be announcedK - 2nd Grade - Special Show will be schedule3rd - 6th Graders - Outdoor competition in School Yard7th - 8th Graders - Dance
Classroom Celebrations - Contact your Classroom Teacher or Class Parent to find out if your class is doing their own Halloween Celebration in class, what time it will be held at, and what items might be needed to put together the activity.
Halloween Party 2010 at PS/IS 217 (The Roosevelt Island School)
Help from parents & families of PS/IS 217 needed! Please contact Nikki Leopold at for specific ways in which you can volunteer your time & resources for this event!
October "Student of the Month" Ceremony at P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School)
P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) held the first Student of the month ceremony in 2010/11 school year this morning, October 25th. Congratulations to our students of the month and their families!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Class 103 Field Trip to the Fire Museum
P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) first graders visited Fire Museum of NYC on Friday, October 22nd. Students watched a 15-minute video about fire safety, and learned about the history of firefighting in New York on a guided tour of the museum. The tour concluded at a mock apartment - fire safety training room, - where students identified and discussed potential fire hazards at home, and finally had to escape from a simulated "fire" - steam-filled room.

Books for Class 103
We are still looking for book donations for the classroom library! Update from Summer (Class 103 parent):
Class 103 students during their reading time.
We have the following books that will be donated: 3 Junie B. Jones Books & A-Z Mysteries (from a Scholastic Book Order)
Please let me know if there are books that you are willing to send in from the list: Amber Brown, Horrible Harry, Poppleton, Fox In Love, Marvin Redpost, Junie B. Jones, Little Bill, Frog and Toad, Cam Jansen, Henry and Mudge
Class 103 students during their reading time.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Halloween Class 103 Activity
Last week of October is a Spirit Week at P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School), which includes Middle School student-teacher basketball game on Wednesday, October 27th, obstacle course activities for Middle School and Elementary students, and of course children's favorite - dressing in different themes for each day. This year we'll have Crazy Hair Day, Pajama Day, School Colors (purple and yellow) Day, Dress For Success (work attire) Day, with the final theme on Friday being HALLOWEEN COSTUMES!
Message from Class 103 parent Summer Lord:
Message from Class 103 parent Summer Lord:
The last day of the Spirit Week will also be a Halloween Class 103 Party. Time of the Class Party will be determined, as there are still factors TBD with the school schedule. We do know it would be in the afternoon...I will let you know the time as soon as it is decided upon.
Please let me know if you'd be interested in helping for any of the following areas:
1) Help put together one of the Craft/Activity Stations
The activities will be:
*Halloween Bingo
*Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin
*Jack-O-Lantern Art Activity
If someone is willing to make a Halloween Bingo at home using your computer and Clip-Art please let me know! We'd need about 4-5 different cards so you don't need to make all 20 Bingo Cards different!
The other 2 activities we can make the items for on Wednesday after the Pumpkin Scoop, as the children pack up to go to Spanish at about 1:45 pm, so we can stay in the room and work to have everything ready for the Halloween Party on Friday. We'd also be assembling little "goodie-punkins" for the students!
* at least 4 parents that can help during the party with games, treats and fun!
We'll be having a mix of fun and healthy snacks for our there isn't a complete sugar over-load with the children! There is a mix of food and non-food items needed. Please let me know what you can send in for part of the Halloween Fun for that day!
Cupcakes (1 sets of 12 cupcakes. Talia has one set, so only one other set of 12 needed
Please put CHOCOLATE frosting on top! I'm going to add a little "grave-yard" cookie or pretend spider to the top of each cupcake for some ghoulish fun!
A bag of Pretzels, Chex-Mix, etc.
Sliced Apples - 2 parents that can send in about 40 apple slices (4 slices X 10 children)
Juice - 3 parents that can send in a package of 6 low-sugar juice boxes/pouches.
Paper Plates & Napkins - for 20 children, and perhaps a Halloween Design/colors :)
If anyone has any decorations or wants to donate balloons, crepe paper or such, feel free to send that in and during lunch time any parents interested can work to add some Halloween Spirit to the room!
***PLEASE SEND IN ALL DONATIONS FOR THE PARTY BY WEDNESDAY!*** (except for the cupcakes - those wouldn't taste very good by the party! Please bring those on Friday morning!)
Thank you to everyone! If you have any questions about any of this, please email or give me a call. And again if you are willing to sign up for something, please let me know so that we have everything covered and not duplicates in any area.
Pumpkin Scoop Activity for Class 103
Class 103 will be doing a pumpkin activity on WEDNESDAY, October 27th!
What we need:
* 4 pumpkins to be donated! {one for each table of children in class}
Please email me back and let me know if you can donate a Medium/Large Pumpkin. Please cut the TOP of the pumpkin into a lid so that the children can reach inside and scoop out the insides (no other cutting required).
*LARGE metal spoons (or similar spoon to be used to scoop out the insides). Please send them in to be used for the activity by TUESDAY with your name attached so that it can be returned to you.
* is going to be a little messy.
4 parents that would be able to be with the class from about 12:30 pm onward (about 1 hour). Please email Summer to let her know if you'll be able to come and help!
What we need:
* 4 pumpkins to be donated! {one for each table of children in class}
Please email me back and let me know if you can donate a Medium/Large Pumpkin. Please cut the TOP of the pumpkin into a lid so that the children can reach inside and scoop out the insides (no other cutting required).
*LARGE metal spoons (or similar spoon to be used to scoop out the insides). Please send them in to be used for the activity by TUESDAY with your name attached so that it can be returned to you.
* is going to be a little messy.
4 parents that would be able to be with the class from about 12:30 pm onward (about 1 hour). Please email Summer to let her know if you'll be able to come and help!
Class 103 Class Fund
A message from Summer Lord (Class 103 Class Parent):
One of the things that I'm working with Mrs. Zucknovich with this year, is a trial run on a Classroom Discretionary Budget. This was my idea as I noticed that costs were adding up and when asked I found out Mrs. Z is paying a lot out of pocket for extra things our children are benefiting from in class. Examples are: Envelopes and Stamps for the Pajama Drive, supplies, and favors and set-up for class events. We decided to test run the idea of a Class Budget, and if it works here perhaps it will be the "thing" to do with all classes next year at the school! If you could please send in $5 this month, and then each month another $5 to be sent in the first week of the month - this will help cover all these extra expenses. If there is a time when there is a surplus in the class budget, than I will make sure that we let you know not to send in any more donations :) Until then - if you can please send in $5 cash at your earliest convenience in an envelope marked 'October Money' and have your child turn it into Mrs. Zucknovich. Thank you very much for your help on this matter!
There is also the Pajama Drive that the class is working on, which an update went home today with news that the class has been able to bring in 25 pairs of pajamas! I will cover this again in next week's Class Update and include it in with the Hawks Happenings to be sent out with the entire school email list...however, the new point that we all might want to consider is if we know any Corporations or Businesses that will match our donation!
Last tid-bit before going into all the events coming up - Mrs. Zucknovich and I will be planning out events for Parents to come in and volunteer time and be part of the Classroom Experience. Updates will come shortly!
Thank you for your support!
Fall Scholastic Book Fair at P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School)
P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) will host a Scholastic Book Fair first week of November. The theme for the fair is "Super Heroes". Please be sure to stop by the Art Room any time on November 1-5 and pick the books to buy from you teacher's wish list for your child's classroom!
A message for Class 103 from Talia Jimenez:
A message for Class 103 from Talia Jimenez:
"Ms. Zucknovich’s class needs books. Here’s a list that I asked Ms. Z for. They are mostly series books, levels L, M, N and O. If you have any of these books and are able to donate them, that would be great. If you can afford buying some for the class, all the better (you can buy now, or starting Nov. 1st is the Book Fair and money raised there comes back as Scholastic Credit that is given to teachers to buy even more books!). So that there are no duplicates, please reply to this list with the book(s) you are able to donate. Thank you!
Amber Brown
Horrible Harry
Fox In love
Marvin Redpost
Junie B. Jones
Little Bill
Frog and Toad
Cam Jansen
A-Z Mystery
Henry and Mudge"
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Weekly Update From P.S./I.S. 217 (The Roosevelt Island School) PTA
Hawks HappeningsFor the week of Monday, Oct. 18th - Friday, October 22nd:------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
Parents Stepping UP!A BIG thank you to these parents that volunteered their time on Picture Day!Yukari Obinata, Miwako Okumura, Debbie Ward, Shirley Payne, Amy Chavez-Lamb, Tami Granot, Dawn Price, Loly Diaz, Ashanti Mandisa, Hina Asim, Tisha Whitehead, Madina Canciello, Laisa Kalotiti, Aiesha Eleusizov, and Olga Shchuchinov.
We had so many parents excited to volunteer at the school, that we were able to help with the pictures for each class and individual students AND get these things accomplished: Count Box Tops; Put up Bulletin Boards; Mark donated books for teachers; Prep the Dare to Care Room where students will redeem their personal Beckman Bucks. Wow!!!Thank you to our parents that contribute to our school in so many wonderful ways.
CHERRYDALE FundraiserDeadline for ALL orders & money - MONDAY, OCT. 25th!
October Birthday Celebration!THIS Wednesday the 20th ~ 2:15pm, CafeteriaAll students with a birthday in the month of October, are invited for a Birthday Celebration with the Principal. *Parents of Birthday Students are invited to attend and help serve cake. Contact Aiesha Eleusizov to volunteer or for any questions:
PTA General MeetingThursday Morning - 8:45AM {upstairs/2nd floor} ALL parents invited.Please come and discuss important updates and information regarding our students and the school at these meetings! If you have any important questions or concerns, please drop a note either in the PTA Box in the school lobby or email PTA President, Nikki Leopold at We look forward to seeing you there!
Become a Learning LeaderLearning Leaders offers a very specific opportunity to become a volunteer within the school. Learning Leaders are trained in strategies for working with children in reading, writing and math - including child development and learning styles. There are also opportunities for Learning Leaders to become part of ArtWorks, Math Tutoring, Science Projects and much more! To become a Learning Leader you must complete ALL 3 training sessions. We are lucky to have the training sessions at PS/IS 217 this month of October...usually they are located at an office downtown - so please consider becoming a Learning Leader and join us for the training!
The dates for Elementary School Training:
- Monday, October 25th ~ 9-11am
- Wednesday, October 27th ~ 9-11am
- Thursday, October 28th ~ 9-11am
The dates for Middle School Training:
- Monday, November 1st ~ 9-11am
- Wednesday, November 3rd ~ 9-11am
- Thursday, November 4th ~ 9-11am
An ORANGE colored paper was sent home from our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Lauraine Rademaker. Please fill this out and turn it back in by October 18th. If you need a new paper please stop by and visit Ms. Lauraine in the office, or email me back and I will see that a paper comes home with your child.
We are excited to have this opportunity and hope MANY of our parents will join in to become a Learning Leader! Visit for more information.
International Dinner
The PTA is excited to start preparations for the International Dinner which will take place this year during the month of November. We are looking for those interested in cooking a dish representing your culture/home country, or in other ways to showcase about where you are from. More information will be sent home this week - please look for the flyer within the next few days!
We hope that you'll consider participating either in preparing something for the event or coming to the dinner in support the unique diversity of the PS/IS 217 Family Community!
For questions or to volunteer, contact Kristi Towey:
BOX TOPS for Education!
We are in the final 2 weeks to collect BOX TOPS for October! This is a huge month as students will be bringing in the BOX TOPS collected during the summer months as well as September and October. The results are going to be amazing!
Each student is encouraged to find/collect at least 10 Box Tops...however, any amount from 1 to 100 are appreciated! Students should submit BOX TOPS either on a Collection Sheet (located in the Parent Communication Corner/Hanging Folders) OR put into a Zip-loc bag WITH child's name printed legibly in permanent marker. Having the students name is critical so that we can track individual and class progress!
BOX TOP Competitions/Rewards for Classes/Individual Students:
*100 BOX TOPS - Each student that submits 100 BOX TOPS will receive a Certificate for 1 free book of their choosing, to be redeemed with the PTA.
*500 BOX TOPS - ANY class that reaches 500 will earn a 'Build Your Own Ice Cream Sundae Party! Which class will be the first to reach this goal?!
Remember! Check out to sign-up under our school's ID and track our progress. Also, you'll be able to receive coupons and special BOX TOP bonus opportunities!
Questions contact Summer Lord:
- Monday, 25th - Friday, 29th - SPIRIT WEEK!
- More info. on themes for each day will be coming!
- Friday, 29th - Parents Chit-Chat "Social" Hour, 8:30am
- Come get to know other parents, hear PTA updates and talk together in a casual environment. Morning beverages provided.
- Friday, 29th - BOX TOPS for OCTOBER DUE! AND Halloween Festivities!
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